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Google Crackdown

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OK  so recently there was a Google PR Update and you may or may not have noticed that a majority of sites that buy and sell links were penalized, with a loss of Page Rank and in many cases a loss of Rank in the search engines.  How ever many site that did not buy or sell links also saw a loss in PageRank but did not see a loss in Search Engine Ranking in fact some saw a loss in PR but saw a rise in Search Engine Ranking.

Basically I am going to call this long overdue Google PR Update a google crackdown.  Since it is literally impossible for google to stop all link buying and selling. most link buying and selling started getting hot after Google came out with their Page Rank Toolbar.  Many people feel even after this last update that Page Rank is one of the most important factors for ranking high in the SERPS but as this last update has shown us that is just not the case at all.

Basically Matt Cutts has spoken about this before he has said google would crackdown on these sites, that they will find you if you are buying and selling links. They even started a site for webmasters to tattle tale. Basically what google thinks and many SEO/SEM professionals is that Links should be the absolute hardest thing to come by for your site.  Basically your site should only get links from other sites because you have a great site/article what ever but they should not be so easy to come bye,  as they are right now.  where you can basically buy your way to the top of the SERPs.

You see it is making it hard for sites with real content the kind that deserves top listing to get it if they don’t want to or can’t go on a link buying spree.  What google would like is for all links to be Organic and True not paid and tainted.  Although google can not crack down on all sites that buy and sell links as many do this in a way that it makes it hard or even impossible for any program to determine.  So they are trying to discourage Link Buying because of PR for the least part by basically making PR worthless.

OK OK so some of you are getting pissed off, I mean what PR worthless.  That just can’t be after spending so much time and money to raise my PR, how could google do this to me.  Well it is true google has made PR basically worthless.  Well it is not 100% worthless but it is definitely not as near as important as it once was.

This has been said many times by many people.  Forget about your PR and worry about your traffic.  I guess what you need to think about is what do you prefer high PR or High Traffic, Sales, Memberships.  if you would like to get higher Search Engine Rankings then the only way to do this in a way that Google will definitely not Punish you is to follow the tried and true below.

1st.  Content is still king (but not just any content Original Content, Cleanly Written for Humans not search engines)

2nd.  Optimize your web-pages and content for your search terms, but don’t spam if you don’t know what your doing Learn there is info all over the web I might go into it latter here on this blog as well. if you don’t want to learn or don’t have the time you can always hire a SEO professional just make sure he knows what he is doing the good ones will probably not come cheap how ever you can always check on sites like  Script Lance  search for Search Engine Optimization or SEO and you will see plenty of projects check a few of the projects and you will see programmers who bid on these projects if they have feedback click on the feedback to see what other work they have done investigate them you will find some seem to get the job done pretty efficiently and are usually cheaper then hiring a firm.  but make sure you investigate the programmer before hiring him/her

3rd get links back the hard way asking for them , trading them or get them naturally because you have a great site or content from people who decide to link to you because they like your message/site or believe your site is helpful to there visitors or answers a question ect…

4th Update regularly no one likes a dead site one that never updates and google will not send there bots as often to slow updating or dead sites.

5th keep it clean don’t try to cheat the system pick a niche and stay with it well your getting started maybe later on you can expand if you choose. in the end the cheaters will be caught so ask yourself is it worth it.

I would like to give you an example of what link buying/selling is for google.  Think about the Presidential Candidates we all have our favorite/preferred out of the candidates that we are presented and the one that wins should be the one that gets the most honest votes which in search engine links would be equivalent to Organic Links.  What we don’t want is the a president that won because he has the most money or cheated and bought the votes which is what people are doing right now to get high ranks in the search engine this is basically cheating. so by cheating maybe a certain site or president gets voted to number 1 that does neither deserve the spot nor is the right person/site for the spot. What they have done is manipulated the system/search engine. and isn’t that what we all should stand against and isn’t that what google stands against.

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